Participation to projects, Claude Carlet

- Special Functions for Cryptography Project;  funding from Research and Graduate Studies United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) [2014-2016] ; Investigator: Kanat Abdukhalikov, with Sihem Mesnager

- "Discrete Functions and Their Applications in Cryptography and Mathematics" [2014-2017] (awarded "a yang research talent grant") conducted by Lilya Budaghyan, with the university of Bergen (Tor Helleseth)

-  European project CHIST-ERA ``SECODE" (Telecom ParisTech, University of Paris 8 with Sihem Mesnager, INRIA, UCL Louvain, Sabancı University) January 2016- December 2018 (I am Principal Investigator for P8)

-  Norwegian project ``Modern Methods and Tools for Theoretical and Applied Cryptology (CryptoWorld)" of Tor Helleseth and Lilya Budaghyan 24.3 Million NOK (I am one of the four foreign members (with Lars Knudsen and Christian Rechberger, DTU, Denmark and Guang Gong, University of Waterloo, Canada)) July 2015-June 2020

- Norwegian project BFS foundation "On construction of optimal Boolean functions" of Lilya Budaghyan 20 million NOK (I am international collaborator with Gregor Leander, Guang Gong and Robert Coulter) April 2017- April 2021.


- [2006-2010]:  doctoral and research support (head of project) CMEP TASSILI with the University of H. Boumedienne, Algeria.

- [2008-2011] SECURE ALGORITHM project FUI supported by the "competitivity pole" System@tic; With : Oberthur Card Systems, Thales, Nagra, Telecom Paris Tech (ex-ENST), Paris VIII, UVSQ.

- Secure Boolean Functions for Coding and Cryptography; Grant from the Norwegian Research Council (NFR); With: T. Helleseth, L. Budaghyan and G. Leander.

- BEST (Secured Telecommunications) [2009-2013]; ANR; With : ENS, Thales, Nagra, Univ. Paris 8, CryptoExperts.

- BOOLE  (Boolean functions) [2009-2013]; ANR; With : UVSQ, ENS, INRIA, Université Aix-Marseille II, Université Paris SUD, Université de Caen (and Université Paris 8), Université de Nantes, Université de Provence and Université Paris Diderot.

- SIMPATIC: SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communication security [2013-2016]; ANR; With: Orange Labs, INVIA, Oberthur, ST-Ericsson, ENS, universities of Bordeaux 1, Caen and Paris 8.

Claude Carlet(
  Last modification June 2017