
Hyperstructures, Topological Data Analysis and Multicellularity

POSTPONED, new dates are May 6-7 2020 (provided it will be possible)

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord   -  LAGA -   Fédération MathSTIC 

This two days conference is the starting event of a transdisciplinary project aiming to bring together experts in mathematical biology, data analysis and topology to study multicellular organisms. Those are, among living systems, those whose complexity, due to a multiplicity of intricate levels of description from an integrated physiology point of view, makes their study seldom satisfactory as soon as one aims to fix issues evidenced as malfunctions, the major of them in a medical perspective being cancer.  The idea behind the whole project is  to shed light on this question both from a theoretical viewpoint by a description of multicellular organisms in terms of higher structures, which integratefunction (semantics) and matter (syntax) from lower to upper levels, and from an applied one by investigating existing data bases using methods of topological data analysis (TDA).  The conference itself will be dedicated to presenting to a broad audience and participants the  state of the art of ideas related to multicellular organisms, applications of topological data analysis, hypestructures, higher structures from topology and categorical methods.

  Lieu : Salle B407, Institut Galilée.  Pour venir à Paris 13, et plus précisément à son institut Galilée,  consulter la page (décrivant l'accès au laboratoire).

Organisateurs: Grégory Ginot, Nathalie Tavares