Résumé: On démontre un théorème de formalité d'algèbres de Gerstenhaber à homotopie près pour le complexe de Hochschild d'une quantification d'une algèbre de Poisson. English detailed abstractAbstract. Let M be a differential manifold. Using different methods, Kontsevich and Tamarkin have proved a formality theorem, which states the existence of a Lie homomorphism “up to homotopy” between the Lie algebra of Hochschild cochains on C?(M), the smooth functions on M, and its cohomology (?(M, ?TM), [?,?]), the Schouten algebra of polyvector fields. Suppose M is a Poisson manifold equipped with a Poisson tensor ?; then one can deduce from this theorem the existence of a star product ? on C?(M). In this paper we prove that the formality theorem can be extended to a Lie (and even Gerstenhaber) homomorphism “up to homotopy” between the Lie (resp. Gerstenhaber “up to homotopy”) algebra of Hochschild cochains on the deformed algebra (C?(M)[[h]], ?) and the Poisson complex (?(M, ?TM)[[h]], [h?,?]). We first recall Tamarkin’s proof and see how the formality maps can be deduced from Etingof-Kazhdan’s theorem using only homotopies formulas. The formality theorem for Poisson manifolds will then follow. Hide abstract
Résumé: On donne une formule explicite pour le caractère de Chern ch reliant la K-théorie algébrique d'un anneau à son homologie cyclique négative et on calcule l'image de certains symboles par ch English detailed abstractAbstract. We give an explicit formula for the natural map ?: H(G) ? HC?(Z[G]), from the homology of a group to the negative cyclic homology of its group algebra, inducing the universal (Goodwilie-Jones) Chern character from algebraic K-theory to Negative cyclic homology. In degree 2, we deduce an explicit formula from Milnor's K_2(A) K-theory to HC?_2(A) (A is any ring). We compute formula for the Chern character of Steinberg, Loday as well as Dennis-Stein symbols. Finally we deduce from the previous results a new proof of the compatibility of the Chern character with products. Hide abstract
Résumé: On étudie les notions d'algèbres de Gerstenhaber à homotopie près et d'homologie des algèbres de Gerstenhaber suivant la théorie des opérades. English detailed abstractAbstract. We give an explicit description of homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras defined as algebras over a minimal model of the operad of Gerstenhaber algebras (using Koszul duality). We also give a description of the natural complex computing the homology of Gerstenhaber algebras and gives a spectral sequence to compute this cohomology. We also explain how to adapt the above constructions to the case of Poisson algebras or more generally ot the case of any "Poisson" n-algebra. Hide abstract
Résumé: On construit des ièmes produits ?i de Steenrod sur le complexe de Bredon-Illman des espaces G-équivariants et on en déduit l'existence des puissances de Steenrod sur cette cohomologie. English detailed abstractAbstract. Let G be a topological group acting on a space X. We construct a family of Steenrod's ?i -product on the Bredon- Illman cochain complex of X. As corollaries, we get the existence of Steenrod squares on Bredon-Illman cohomology with appropriate coefficients as well as the triviality of the Gerstenhaber bracket induced by the braces at the cochain level.
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Résumé: On montre que pour toute structure d'algèbre de Gerstenhaber à homotopie près (G?) sur les multivecteurs de Rn, toute formalité C? se relève en une formalité G? et que toute formalité L? peut être déformée en une G?. English detailed abstractAbstract. Let g2 be the Hochschild complex of cochains on the smooth functions on the n-dimensional euclidean space and g1 be the space of multivector fields on the same space . Tamarkin has proved that the dg Lie algebra structure on g2 can be lifted to a G?-structure (i.e. Gerstenhaber algebra up to homotopy structure) and that there is a G?-quasi-isomorphism in between g1 and g2 (where g1 is equipped with its usual Gerstenhaber algebra structure), in other words that g2 is formal, inducing a quantization of R^n. In this paper we prove that given any G?-structure on g2 , and any morphism f: g1 ? g2 of associative, commutative up to homotopy algebras between g1 and g2 , there exists a G?-morphism F between g1 and g2 that restricts to f. We also show that any Lie algebra up to homotopy morphism, in particular the one constructed by Kontsevich, can be deformed into a G?-morphism, using Tamarkin's method for any G? -structure on g2 . We also show that any two of such G?-morphisms are homotopic in a certain sense.
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Résumé: On munit les groupes d’homologie du champ des lacets libres d’un champ orienté d’un produit et d’un coproduit induisant une structure d’algèbre de Frobenius. De plus, l’homologie en degrés décalés H•(LX) = H•+d(LX) est une algèbre BV. La version détaillée de cet article est incluse dans l'article String Topology for Stacks English abstractAbstract. We explain that the homology groups of the free loop stack of an oriented stack are equipped with a canonical loop product and coproduct, which makes it into a Frobenius algebra. Moreover, the shifted homology H•(LX) = H•+d(LX) admits a BV algebra structure. These results are taken from the Preprint String Topology for Stacks.
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Résumé: A la manière de Pirashvili, on peut associer une cohomologie de Hochschild supérieure associée aux sphères de dimension d, définie pour toute algèbre commutative A et module M. Lorsque M = A, cette cohomologie est munie d’un produit gradué commutatif, d’un crochet de Lie de degré d et d’opérations d’Adams. Ces structures sont compatibles entre elles et sont reliées à la topologie des Branes. Une bonne partie des constructions techniques à ce papier sont détaillées dans mes articles avec Tradler et Zeinalian. Une version détaillée et améliorée des résultats de cet article concernant les structures d'algèbres sur les opérades des petits disques et les applications à la topologie des Branes est incluse dans mon mémoire d'Habilitation et le preprint sur la "Brane Topology and Centralizers"(voir ci-dessous). Les résultats sur les opérations d'Adams seront probablement détaillés (et étendus ?) ailleurs lorsque j'en ai l'énergie... English abstractAbstract. Following ideas of Pirashvili, we define higher order Hochschild cohomology over spheres Sd defined for any commutative algebra A and module M. When M = A, we prove that this cohomology is equipped with graded commutative algebra and degree d Lie algebra structures as well as with Adams operations. All operations are compatible in a suitable sense. These structures are related to Brane topology. Many results in these note have been included and expanded in my joint work with Tradler-Zeinalian as well as mémoire d'Habilitation.
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Résumé: On généralise les constructions des opérations d'Adams et la décomposition de Hodge de la (co)homologie de Hochschild des algèbres commutatives à leur analogue à homotopie près (les C?-algèbres). On applique cette étude en topologie des cordes, pour obtenir une décomposition de Hodge compatible à une structure BV sur l'homologie de l'espace des lacets libres d'un espace à dualité de Poincaré. On étudie également la (co)homologie de Harrison et on obtient une généralisation homotopique de la suite exacte de Jacobi-Zariski. En particulier, on étudie des notions relatives des C?-algèbres (c'est à dire lorsque l'anneau de base est remplacé par une C?-algèbre) et de leurs (co)homologies. English detailed abstractAbstract. For commutative algebras (and not merely associative ones) Gerstenhaber-Schak [GS1] and Loday [Lo1] have shown that the Hochschild (co)homology groups (with value in symmetric bimodules) are equipped with an additional structure: the Adams (also called ?)-operations, which induce a Hodge decomposition. In this paper we study Hochschild (co)homology of commutative and associative up to homotopy algebras with coefficient in a (new) homotopy analogue of symmetric bimodules. We prove that Hochschild (co)homology is equipped with ?-operations and Hodge decomposition generalizing the results in [GS1] and [Lo1] for strict algebras. The main application is concerned with string topology: we obtain a Hodge decomposition compatible with a non-trivial BV-structure on the homology H•(LX) of the free loop space of a triangulated Poincaré-duality space. Harrison (co)homology of commutative and associative up to homotopy algebras (C?-algebra for short) can be defined similarly and is related to the weight 1 piece of the Hodge decomposition. We study (an homotopy generalization of) Jacobi-Zariski exact sequence for this theory in characteristic zero. In particular, we define (co)homology of relative A?-algebras, i.e., A?-algebras with a C?-algebra playing the role of the ground ring. We also give a relation between the Hodge decomposition and homotopy Poisson-algebras cohomology.
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Résumé: On étudie la cohomologie des algébroides de Courant et on construit une suite spectrale qui la relie à la cohomologie naive des algébroides de Courant. On en déduit que ces cohomologies coincident pour les algébroides transitifs, et, pour le cas plus général des algébroides à base scindée, on montre que la cohomologie naive et la connaissance d'un homomorphisme de transgression permet de calculer complétement la cohomologie de l'algébroide de Courant. English detailed abstractAbstract. In this paper we study the cohomology H•(E) of a Courant algebroid E. This cohomology was defined by Roytenberg using a symplectic realization of the Courant algebroid. A less involved construction is the naive cohomology Hnaive(E) defined by Stiénon and Xu. We prove that if E is a transitive algebroid, both cohomology coincides as was conjectured by Stiénon and Xu. This result is proved using a spectral sequence converging to H•(E). The second page of the spectral sequence contains the naive cohomology and allows computation of the cohomology of E for more general Courant algebroids than transitive ones. Indeed, if E is with split base, we prove that there exists a natural transgression homomorphism T3 (with image in the degree 3 part of Hnaive(E)) which, together with the knoweldge of Hnaive(E), gives the full cohomology of E. In many cases, the transgression homomorphism can be determined explicitly. For instance, for generalized exact Courant algebroids, we give an explicit formula for T3 depending only on the Severa characteristic class of E.
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Résumé: On étudie la cohomologie des 2-groupes de Lie. English detailed abstractAbstract. We study the cohomology of (strict) Lie 2-groups, in particular those arising from gerbes or the string 2-group. In particular we obtain an explicit Bott-Shulman type map in the case of a Lie 2-group corresponding to the crossed module A ? 1. For the two universal 2-groups (given by the crossed modules G ?Aut (G) and G ? Aut+(G)) associated to a Lie group G, we prove that the cohomology H(G ? Aut+(G)) and H(G ? Aut(G)) are the abutment of a spectral sequence involving the cohomology of GL(n; Z) and SL(n; Z). When the dimension of the center of G is less than 3, we compute explicitly these cohomology groups. We also compute the cohomology of the Lie 2-group corresponding to a crossed module G? H for which Ker(i) is compact and Coker(i) is connected, simply connected and compact and apply the result to the string 2-group.
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Résumé: Dans cet article, on étend le formalisme des intégrales itérées de Chen aux complexes de Hochschild supérieurs. On en déduit des modèles algébriques pour les espaces fonctionnels que l’on utilise pour étudier le produit surfacique, un analogue 2-dimensionnel du produit de Chas-Sullivan en topologie des cordes. En particulier, on en déduit que le produit surfacique est un invariant homotopique. On démontre un theorème du type Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg pour les complexes de Hochschild modelés sur les surfaces et on en déduit des formules explicites pour le produit surfacique des sphères de dimension impaires et des groupes de Lie. English detailed abstractAbstract. We develop a machinery of Chen iterated integrals for higher Hochschild complexes. Classically Chen iteratd integrals provides an explicit quasi-isomorphism between the Hochschild chains of the de Rham forms on a manifold and the de Rham forms of the free Loop space of the manifold. The higher Hochschild complexes are complexes whose differentials are modeled on an arbitrary simplicial set much in the same way the ordinary Hochschild differential is modeled on the circle (and which are functorial in both simplicial sets and algebras). We use these to give algebraic models for general mapping spaces, in particular we obtain a model for the algebra of de Rham forms on the mapping space Map(X,M) for a manifold M and space X thanks to a generalization of Chen iterated integrals. In a second part of the paper we define and study the surface product operation on the homology of mapping spaces of surfaces of all genera into a manifold. This is a two dimensional analogue of the loop product in string topology. As an application, we show this product is homotopy invariant. We prove a Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg type theorems, that is an explicit computation of the surface (co)homology of smooth algebras, and use them to give explicit formulae for the surface product of odd spheres and Lie groups.
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Résumé: On introduit un cadre général pour la topologie des cordes des champs différentiels et topologiques , qui permet de traiter aussi bien les lacets libres que les lacets fantômes. English detailed abstractAbstract. We establish the general machinery of string topology for differentiable stacks. This machinery allows us to treat on an equal footing free loops in stacks and hidden loops. In particular, we give a good notion of a free loop stack, and of a mapping stack Map(Y;X), where Y is a compact space and X a topological stack, which is functorial both in X and Y and behaves well enough with respect to pushouts. We also construct a (kind of generalized)bivariant (in the sense of Fulton and MacPherson) theory for topological stacks: it gives us a flexible theory of Gysin maps which are automatically compatible with pullback, pushforward and products. We introduce a suitable notion of oriented stacks, generalizing oriented manifolds, which are stacks on which we can do string topology. We prove that the homology of the free loop stack of an oriented stack is a BV-algebra and a Frobenius algebra, and the homology of hidden loops is a Frobenius algebra. Here the stack of hidden loops is the inertia stack describing loops which vanish on the coarse space of the stack. Using the formalism of stacks and of our Gysin maps, we show that the homology of the free loop stack defiens a 2-dimensional homological conformal field theories (with closed positive boundaries) and we study the sphere product of oriented stacks as well. Using our general machinery, we construct an intersection pairing for (non necessarily compact) almost complex orbifolds which is in the same relation to the intersection pairing for manifolds as Chen-Ruan orbifold cup-product is to ordinary cup-product of manifolds. We show that the hidden loop product of almost complex orbifold is isomorphic to the orbifold intersection pairing twisted by a canonical class. We gave several examples, including a detailled study of the Frobenius structures of quotient stacks BG=[*/G] of a compact Lie group.
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Résumé: Ce mémoire est basé sur (et décrit) mes travaux concernant la topologie algébrique des espaces fonctionnels et des questions connexes de topologie algébrique des champs différentiables. Ils sont en particulier motivés par les théories des champs quantiques et la topologie des cordes (et ses avatars supérieurs). Il peut, en particulier, servir d'introduction aux travaux sur la topologie des cordes des champs et à ceux sur la (co)homologie de Hochschild supérieure. English abstractAbstract. This "mémoire" is based on and is explaining my work on algebraic topology of mapping spaces as well as some related questions concerning differentiable and topological stacks. This work was greatly motivated and influenced by quantum field theories, (higher) string topology and understanding their algebraic models. In particular, it can be used as an introduction to algebraic topology of stacks and higher Hochschild (co)homology.
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Résumé: Le nerf d'une famille d'ensemble est un complexe simplicial qui encode les intersections de ses sous-familles. En topologie et géométrie algorithmique, les nerfs d'un bon recouvrement d'un objet géométrique sont très utilisés car leur type d'homotopie est celui de la réunion du recouvrement (Théorème du nerf ou de Leray). Dans ce papier, on s'intéresse à des recouvrements qui ne sont pas tout à fait bons mais tels que les intersections forment des réunions disjointes de cellules homologiques. On utilise la notion de multinerf pour obtenir une variante du théorème du nerf et on l'applique pour obtenir des Théorèmes à la Helly unifiant notamment des résultats précédents de Amenta, Kalai and Meshulam, et Matousek. English abstractAbstract.
The nerve of a family of sets is a simplicial complex that records the intersection pattern of its subfamilies. Nerves are widely used in computational geometry and topology, because the nerve theorem guarantees that the nerve of a family of geometric objects has the same topology as the union of the objects, if they form a good cover. In this paper, we relax the good cover assumption to the case where each subfamily intersects in a disjoint union of possibly several homology cells, and we prove a generalization of the nerve theorem in this framework, using spectral sequences from algebraic topology. We then deduce a new topological Helly-type theorem that unifies previous results of Amenta, Kalai and Meshulam, and Matousek. This Helly-type theorem is used to (re)prove, in a unified way, bounds on transversal Helly numbers in geometric transversal theory. Hide abstract
Résumé: On étudie et relie entre-elles plusieurs notions, inspirées par les Théories des Champs Quantiques/Topologiques, mêlant des structures géométriques et algébriques. Précisément, on étudie les complexes de Hochschild supérieurs et leurs relations avec les algèbres de factorisation et l'homologie chirale topologique. En particulier, on montre que les complexes de Hochschild supérieurs se relèvent en un foncteur d'?-catégories CH: sSet? x CDGA? ? CDGA?. On donne ensuite une caractérisation axiomatique de ce foncteur CH (jouant le rôle des axiomes d'Eilenberg-Steenrod). On en déduit que les complexes de Hochschild supérieurs sont équivalents aux algèbres de factorisation commutative constantes. On montre aussi que CH est équivalent à l'homologie chirale topologique (sur l'intersection de leurs domaines de définition). Enfin, dans le cadre non-nécessairement commutatif, on montre que l'homologie chirale topologique et les algèbres de factorisation localement constantes sont des notions essentiellement équivalentes. On en déduit une formule de Fubini pour calculer l'homologie chirale topologique et les chaines de Hochschild.
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Abstract. In this paper, we study the higher Hochschild functor and its relationship with factorization algebras and topological chiral homology, which are concept motivated by Topological Field Theories integrating algebraic structures and higher categories of manifolds. To this end, we emphasize that the higher Hochschild complex is an (?,1)-functor from the category sSet x CDGA to the category CDGA (where sSet and CDGA are the (?,1)-categories of simplicial sets and commutative differential graded algebras) and give an axiomatic characterization of this functor. The above (?, 1)-functor is a (derived/homotopical) lift of the higher Hochschild chain complex defined by Pirashvili that we studied in the Chen Model for mapping spaces and higher Hochschild cohomology papers. The (?,1)-framework (or said otherwise derived/homotopical framework) is a very convenient setting to state the axioms and in particular a locality axiom. From the axioms we deduce several properties and computational tools for the higher Hochschild functor. We then study the relationship of the higher Hochschild functor with factorization algebras (as studied by Costello and Gwilliam) by showing that in reasonable cases, the Hochschild functor determines a constant commutative factorization algebra. Conversely, we show that every constant commutative factorization algebra is naturally equivalent to the Hochschild chain factorization algebra. Similarly, we also study the relationship with topological chiral homology (TCH), an (derived) invariant for (stably-)framed manifolds with coefficient in En-algebras due to Lurie. In particular, we show that CH_M(A) = TCH(M, A), i.e. that the higher Hochschild functor is naturally equivalent to topological chiral homology, whenever both are defined. As a corollary, we also get a similar statement of the relationship with blob homology. Finally, we prove that topological chiral homology determines a locally constant factorization algebra and that any locally constant factorization algebra on a manifold essentially arises in this way. We also give a Fubini type formula for computing topological chiral homology.
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Résumé: Le nombre de Helly d'une famille d'ensembles est le cardinal de la plus grande sous-famille minimale d'intersection vide. On donne des bornes des nombres de Helly pour des familles de sous-espaces ouverts d'un espace topologique X dont toutes les sous-familles G vérifient que les intersections (à partir d'une certaine taille) des éléments de G ont au plus r composantes connexes qui n'ont pas d'homologie (excepté en basse dimension). Notre résultat généralise des théorèmes de helly "topologiques" et, comme application, on obtient des bornes pour plusieurs familles de transversales géométriques. English detailed abstractAbstract.
The Helly number of a family of sets is the size of its largest inclusion-wise minimal subfamily with empty intersection. Let F be a finite family of open subsets of an arbitrary locally arcwise connected topological space ?. Assume that for every sub-family G in F the intersection of the elements of G has at most r connected components, each of which is a Q-homology cell. We show that the Helly number of F is at most r(d_? + 1), where d_? is the smallest integer j such that every open set of ? has trivial Q-homology in dimension j and higher. (In particular, for ?=R^d, d_?=d). This bound is best possible. We prove, in fact, a stronger theorem where small subfamilies may have more than r connected components, each possibly with nontrivial homology in low dimension. As an application, we obtain several explicit bounds on Helly numbers in geometric transversal theory for which only ad hoc geometric proofs were previously known; in certain cases, the bound we obtain is better than what was previously known. We use the fact that the Helly number can be bounded by looking at the vanishing of homology groups of subcomplexes of the nerve. Our approach is based on replacing the usual nerve by the multi-nerve which is a simplicial poset (and no longer a simplicial complex as for the nerve), which encodes the various connected components of intersections. Using that the Helly number can be bounded Then we apply some homological machinery (generalized Mayer-Vietoris principle and Cech complexes) to relate the higher homology groups of the multinerve with those of the space given by the union of the elements in F (which is an open subset of ?). We also explain how to adapt our result for finite families of compact subsets. Hide abstract
Résumé: Ces notes sont basées sur deux mini-cours donnés par l'auteur à l'école de Physique Mathématiques des Houches et au Vietnamese Institute for Mathematical Sciences en 2012.
Il s'agit d'une introduction aux algèbres de factorisation, aux théories homologiques des variétés et leurs applications récentes. Il contient également une étude des algèbres à factorisation sur des espaces stratifiés
et leurs applications pour étudier des structures En-algébriques.
English detailed abstractAbstract. These notes are an expanded version of two series of lectures given at the winter school in mathematical physics at les Houches and at the Vietnamese Institute for Mathematical Sciences, both in 2012. They are an introduction to factorization algebras, factorization homology and some of their applications, notably for studying En-algebras. They also contain a study and several examples of factorization algebras over stratified spaces. The origin of factorization algebras and factorization homology lies in topological quantum field theories and the pioneering work of Beilinson-Drinfeld to understand conformal field theory in more algebrao-geometric terms. We work however in the context of topological spaces or manifolds following some ideas of Lurie and Costello. We give an account of homology theory for manifolds (and spaces), which give invariant of manifolds but also invariant of En-algebras. Factorization homology are more elaborate versions of the classical-Eilenberg Steenrod axioms, which are specific to oriented manifolds of a fixed dimension n (there are variants for other kind of structures on manifolds). Instead of an abelian group, one needs a more sophisticated algebraic data as the coefficient of the homology theory. These data are provided by (some classes of) En-algebras, which are a classical object of study in algebraic topology since the early seventies. Factorization algebras plays with respect to homology theories for manifolds the same role as sheaves with respect to usual cohomology of spaces. They are an algebraic structure satisfying a local-to-global principle which can be used to describe factorization homology but also have a lot of interest in their own. We give several detailled examples of factorization algebras arising on stratified spaces, some of their main properties and applications to the study of En-algebraic structures. We treat in details the case of commutative factorization algebras and their relationship with usual homology theory (with local coefficient). More importantly, we give and try to put in context several important applications which have already appeared in the litterature.
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Résumé: On établit, pour tout groupe de Lie G, une bijection entre les [G ? Aut(G)]-fibrés principaux et les G-gerbes au dessus d'un champ. On donne des classes caractéristiques universelles pour les fibrés principaux sur des 2-groupes de Lie et explique comment les calculer à partir de connexions. English abstractAbstract. We give an explicit description of a 1-1 correspondence between Morita equivalence classes of, on the one hand, principal 2-group [G ? Aut(G)]-bundles over Lie groupoids and, on the other hand, G-extensions of Lie groupoids (i.e. between [G ? Aut(G)]-bundles over differentiable stacks and G-gerbes over differentiable stacks). We also introduce universal characteristic classes for 2-group bundles. For groupoid central G-extensions, we prove that the universal characteristic classes coincide with the Dixmier-Douady classes that can be computed from connection-type data.
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Résumé: Cet article est basé sur des cours donnés au Vietnamese Institute for Advanced STudies in Mathematics et a pour but de présenter la théorie et idées de la (co)homologie de Hochschild supérieure et ses applications à la topologie des membranes (aussi dite topologie des cordes supérieures). La principale étant l'existence d'une décomposition de hodge compatible avec la structure E_{n+1} au niveau des chaînes de l'espace des n-sp?eres dans une variété n-connexe fermée. On montre également que le E_n -centralisateur d'un morphisme entre dg-algèbres commutatives a une structure de E_n-algèbre O(n)-équivariante étendant les résultats d'un travail précédent, et qu'il dispose en plus d'une filtration de Hodge compatible avec toute cette structure. De manière générale nous étudions les décompositions de Hodge pour la (co)homologie de Hochschild au dessus des produits avec une sphère ou des suspensiosn itérées ainsi que des applications d'un théorème de Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg supérieur. De manière général, la théorie présentée ici met l'accent sur les structures combinatoires explicites et les idées de l'homotopie rationnelle pour présenter ce sujet (et non pas en se basant quasi-uniquement sur des méthodes homotopiques et infinies catégoriques). En particulier la plupart des résultats sont présentés à la fois dans leur cadre naturel de foncteurs dérivés (au sens d'infini foncteurs entre infiies-catégories) mais aussi via des modèles combinatoires explicites.
English detailed abstractAbstract. This paper is based on lectures given at the Vietnamese Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics and aims to present the theory of higher Hochschild (co)homology and its application to higher string topology. There is an emphasis on explicit combinatorial models provided by simplicial sets to describe derived structures carried or described by Higher Hochschild (co)homology functors. It contains detailed proofs of results stated in the previous note Higher Order Hochschild cohomology as well as several new results. One of the main result is a proof that string topology for higher spheres (also called Brane topology) inherits a Hodge filtration compatible with an (homotopy) E_{n+1}-algebra structure on the chains for n-connected Poincaré duality spaces. We also prove that the E_n-centralizer of maps of commutative (dg-)algebras are equipped with a Hodge decomposition and a compatible structure of framed E_n-algebras. We also study Hodge decompositions suspensions and products by spheres, both as derived functors and combinatorially and describes the benefits of an higher version of Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Theorem a well as some relationships with (homotopy) n-Poisson algebras (co)homology. This various results are also a pretext to illustrate the techniques of higher order Hochschild Homology in the case of commutative differential graded algebras, both using its derived (in an higher categorical sense) interpretation and functoriality and emphasizing on and using its nice combinatorial structure and how to use it. The emphasis on this latter point is another benefit of this paper compared to most of the literature we know and a good way to get a feeling on the behavior and benefits of higher Hochschild (co)homology, in, we hope, a gentle way. ".
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Résumé: Dans cet article nous étudions l'homologie persistante dans le cadre dérivé de la théorie des faisceaux.
Ce cadre a été récemment introduit par Kashiwara Schapira après que Curry ait donné les premiers liens entre théorie des faisceaux et persistance. Dans notre travail, nous définissons une notion de code barre pour les faisceaux dans le cadre dérivé et surtout donnant une distance "bottleneck" dérivée. Nous prouvons ensuite une théorème d'isométrie entre cette distance sur les codes barres et la distance de convolution entre les faisceaux, établissant ainsi une version dérivée du résultat classique. Pour ce faire, nous calculons explicitement tous les morphismes dans la catégorie des fasiceaux constructible sur R dont nous déduisons la distance entre faisceaux indécomposables. Nous prouvons également que la distance de convolution est close.
English detailed abstractAbstract. Persistent homology has been recently studied with the tools of sheaf theory in the derived setting by Kashiwara and Schapira after J. Curry has made the first link between persistent homology and sheaves. We prove an isometry theorem in this derived setting, expressing the convolution distance as a matching distance, mirroring the situation of persistence with one parameter. We also explicitly compute all morphisms in derived category of constructible sheaves over R, which enables us to compute distances between indecomposable objects. Then we adapt Bjerkevik's stability proof to this derived setting. As a byproduct of our isometry theorem, we prove that the convolution distance is closed, and also give some explicit examples of computation of the convolution distance. ".
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Résumé: Dans cet article, nous étudions comment la limite large des théories des champs de jauge associées aux groupes linéaires pour une variété fermée est déterminée par l’homologie cyclique (d’un modèle homotopique) des formes sur la variété. Nous établissons la version quantique de ce résultat également. Pour cela, nous étudions une version non-commutative générale du formalisme BV et que nous relions à la commutative. En particulier, nous démontrons qu'une extension centrale de l'homologie cyclique est équipée d'une structure symplectique décalée et d'une trace vers un modèle perturbatuf de Chern-Simons associée au groupe linéaire muni de sa structure symplectique décalée AKSZ. vers Comme applications, nous retrouvons des résultats de Harer-Zagier sur les matrices hermitiennes. aléatoires.
English detailed abstractAbstract. In this paper, we study how the large limit of gauge field theories associated with linear groups for a closed variety is determined by the cyclic homology (of a homotopic model) of forms on the variety. We establish the quantum version of this result as well. For this, we study a general non-commutative version of the BV formalism which we relate to the commutative one. In particular, we show that a central extension of cyclic homology is equipped with a shifted symplectic structure and a trace to a perturbative Chern-Simons model associated with the linear group equipped with its shifted symplectic structure given by AKSZ theory. As an application, we recover Harer-Zagier results on random Hermitian matrices. ".
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Résumé: Nous étudions les problèmes de modules formels associés à des structures algébriques homotopiques sur les complexes de cha??nes; en particulier les algèbres à quasi-isomorphisme près. Classiquement, il existe plusieurs tels espaces possibles selon que l'on considère les constructions associées à la théorie des opérades, ou bien le probléme de module formel approché associé aux automorphismes homotopiques de structures pour n'en citer que 2. Nous comparons pluieurs problèmes de déformations naturels qui leur sont associés (notamment les deux précédents) et établissons une suite exacte courte de problèmes de modules qui les relient précisément via une fibration scindée. .
English detailed abstractAbstract. We study formal moduli problems associated with homotopic algebraic structures on complexes of cha??nes; in particular, algebras with near quasi-isomorphism. Classically, there are several such possible spaces, depending on whether one considers the constructions associated with the theory of operaids, or the problem of proximate formal moduli problems associated with homotopic automorphisms of structures, to name just 2. We compare several natural deformation problems associated with them (in particular, the previous two) and establish a short exact sequence of moduli problems linking them precisely via a split fibration. ".
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Résumé: On construit la première correspondance entre la persistance à 2 paramètres (provenant des niveaux d’une fonction f ) et le poussé en avant dérivé Rf? en théorie des faisceaux. On déduit cela d’une équivalence pseudo-isométrique entre les catégories dérivées des faisceaux constructibles avec la distance de convolution sur R et une sous-catégorie des modules de persistance à 2 paramètres munis de la distance d’entrelacement. On identifie précisément cette sous-catégorie et on établit sur elle des résultats de stabilité et de structure complet. .
English detailed abstractAbstract. We build the first correspondence between 2-parameter persistence (derived levels of a function f) and the derived pushforward Rf? in sheaf theory. This is deduced from a pseudo-isometric equivalence between the categories derived categories of constructible sheaves with convolution distance on and a subcategory of 2-parameter persistence modules provided with the with the interleaving distance. We precisely identify this subcategory and establish complete stability and structure results. ".
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Résumé:Ce papier spécialise l'étude du crochet de Goldman défini dans "Group actions on stacks and applications to equivariant string topology for stacks" au cas des orbifolds. Dans loc. cit, le crochet de Goldman était défini en termes de construction de type topologie des cordes. Ici on considère des orbifolds de dimension 2 et on généralise des résultats classiques de Goldman dans ce cadre. On prouve que pour X un orbiold orienté de dimension 2, il existe un champ des caractères de X dont l'espace de modules a une structure symplectique ou Poisson et qu'il y a un morphisme d'algèbre de Lie naturel de l'algèbre de Goldman orbifold vers l'algèbre des fonctions de la variété des caractères de l'orbifold, dans le cas de GL(n). On prouve également que pour les orbifolds obtenus comme quotients du plan hyperbolique par un groupe Fuchsien, le crochet de Goldman que nous avons défini coincide avec celui de Chas-Gadgil (défini purement en terme de théorie des groupes). On en déduit que le crochet de Goldman d'un orbifold de dimension 2 (non nécéssairement effectif) encode le nombre minimal d'intersections des courbes sur X. Enfin, on étudie un analogue du morphisme de Goldman pour les groupes orthogonaux. Pour cela on définit une variante de la topologie des cordes pour les lacets non-orientés, ce qui revient à construire des structures d'algèbres de Lie sur l'homologie O(2)-équivariante d'un champ orienté (en particulier d'une variété et d'un orbifold pour lesquels ces résultats semblent nouveaux) . English detailed abstractAbstract. A Goldman bracket for oriented differentiable stacks of dimension 2 was defined in one of our previous paper ("Group actions on stacks and applications to equivariant string topology for stacks"), using string topology techniques. Here we specialized the study of this bracket to the case of reduced 2-dimensional orbifolds. In particular we prove orbifolds generalization of classical results of Goldman. Indeed we construct a stack analogue of the character variety, which has a symplectic (or Poisson) coarse moduli space and then construct a Lie algebra homomorphism from the Goldman Lie algebra to its function for orbifolds in the case of GL(n). We also study a version fo this for orthogonal groups, see below. We also prove that for orbifolds obtained as a quotient of the hyperbolic plane by a Fuchsian group, our Goldman bracket agrees with a bracket defined by Chas-Gadgil (purely in group theoretic terms) and as a corollary one obtains that the Goldman Lie bracket of orbifolds encodes the geometric intersection numbers of the orbifold. Finally, in order to generalize Goldman map in the orthogonal group case to orbifolds, we construct a Chas-Sullivan type generalization of Goldman Lie algebra of unoriented curves. Our construction works for all oriented stacks (in particular manifolds) and extend Goldman Lie algebra homormophism for unoriented curves to the case of surface orbifolds. In particular we prove that the (shifted) O(2)-equivariant homology of a free loop stack has a Lie algebra structure and further that the image of the SO(2)-equivariant homology inside the O(2)-equivariant one has a refined Lie bracket. This seems to be new even for ordinary manifolds. The later bracket recovers, in degree 0 and for a surface, Goldman Lie algebra of unoriented loops. Our main tool is the naturality of Chas-Sullivan construction with respect to embeddings which allows to reduce many computations and statement to those on trivial gerbes over a punctured surface.
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Résumé: Ce papier est consacré aux applications de l'homologie de Hochschild supérieure (telle qu'étudiée dans nos papiers précédents) à la topologie des cordes supérieures, aux espaces de lacets itérés, mais aussi aux centralisateurs de morphismes de En-algèbres. En particulier on étend l'homologie de Hochschild supérieure aux E?-algèbres et on étudie également la cohomologie de Hochschild supérieure. On donne alors une description de la structure de En-algèbre du centralisateur de tout morphisme de E?-algèbre, vu comme morphisme de En-algèbre, en termes de cohomologie de Hochschild modelée sur les sphères, puis on l'applique pour donner une solution à la conjecture de Deligne supérieure. On étudie aussi un relevé E? de la dualité de Poincaré et des intégrales itérées de Chen. Ceci nous donne une équivalence entre les chaines (sur un anneau k de caractéristique arbitraire) sur l'espace fonctionnel des n-sphères dans un espace à dualité de Poincaré M (avec un décalage du degré correspondant à la dimension de M), et, par l'étude précédente, une structure En+1 sur les chaines qui induit le produit Sullivan-Voronov. Par ailleurs, les techniques étudiées pour les centralisateurs s'appliquent également aux constructions Bar itérées et donnent des modèles de la structure de En-coalgèbre et de E?-algèbre des espaces de lacets itérés. Finalement, en utilisant les algèbres de factorisation, on donne aussi une construction du centralisateur de tout morphisme de En-algèbres et on l'applique à l'étude des constructions Bar itérées des En-algèbres. English detailed abstractAbstract. This paper dedicated to applying the technique of Higher Hochschild chains and factorization algebras to the study various problems in algebraic topology and homotopical algebra, notably Brane topology, centralizers of En-algebras maps and iterated Bar constructions. In particular, we are interested in the study of the lagebraic structure carried by mapping spaces from spheres into manifolds and iterated loop spaces as well. In order to work over a ground ring of arbitrary characteristic (for instance the integers or a finite field), we develop the higher Hochschild cochains for E?-algebras. Here are the main results of the paper. We obtain an En+1-algebra model on C_{*+m}(Map(S^n, M)), the shifted integral chains on the mapping space of the n-sphere into an m-dimensional orientable manifold M. Our main tools are factorization homology and higher Hochschild (co)chains and we discuss some other applications of these tools of independent interest. We construct and use E?-Poincaré duality to identify the higher Hochschild cochains, modeled over the n-sphere, with the chains on the above mapping space, and then show that these Hochschild cochains can be naturally identified with the deformation complex of the E?-algebra of singular cochains on M thought of as an En-algebra. We then invoke (and prove) the higher Deligne conjecture to furnish the cotangent complex, and all that is naturally equivalent to it, with an En+1-algebra structure and further prove that this construction recovers the sphere product. In fact, our approach to Deligne conjecture is based on an explicit description of the En-centralizers of a map of E?-algebras f:A ? B by relating it to the algebraic structure on Hochschild cochains modeled over spheres, which is of independent interest. More generally, we give a factorization algebra model/description of the centralizer of any En-algebra map and solutions of Deligne conjecture. We also apply similar ideas to iterated Bar construction. We obtain factorization algebras models for (iterated) bar construction of augmented $E_m$-algebras together with their En-coalgebras and E(m-n)-algebra structures, and discuss some of its features. The latter in particular applies to iterated Bar construction for E?-algebras together with their En-coalgebra and E?-algebra structure. Hence we give a higher Hochschild chain model of the natural En-algebra structure of the chains of the iterated loop space C_*(?n Y).
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Résumé: Ce papier prolonge les travaux entrepris dans le livre "String Topology for Stacks". On construit des opérations sur l'homologie SO(2)-équivariante des lacets libres d'un champ différentiable orienté. En particulier on obtient une structure d'algèbre de Lie sur cette homologie équivariante (convenablement regraduée) qui généralise le "string bracket" de Chas-Sullivan. Dans le cas particulier d'un orbifold de dimension 2, on donne une description à la Goldman du crochet de Lie.
Pour obtenir ces résultats, on étudie les actions (faibles) d'un groupe sur un champ (à la fois dans les cadres topologiques et différentiables) dans un cadre assez général. En particulier, on construit le champ quotient d'une action de groupe sur un champ et on montre que ce champ est encore un champ topologique (ou différentiable dans le cas lisse). Ceci nous permet de définir son type d'homotopie, la (co)homologie équivariante, les morphismes de transfert et ainsi de suite en appliquant le formalisme de "String Topology for Stacks". English detailed abstractAbstract. This paper is a continuations of the project initiated in the book "String Topology for Stacks". It has two parts: one deals with (general) group actions on a stack and associated equivariant (co)homology theories, the other one deals applies this formalism to obtain a string product for stacks. In particular, we construct string operations on the SO(2)-equivariant homology of the (free) loop stack associated to an oriented differentiable stack and show that its equivariant homology (appropriately shifted) is a graded Lie algebra. This generalizes the Chas-Sullivan string bracket for manifolds. In the particular case where the stack is an effective 2-dimensional orbifold we give a Goldman-type description for the string bracket; more precisely we explain a procedure to deduce the Lie bracket on degree 0 homology in terms of intersectiosn of loops around orbifold points of an effective orbifold. We also investigate examples of non-orbifolds 2-dimensional stacks given by quotient of a 3-manifold by a circle action. To prove these results, we develop a machinery of (weak) group actions on topological stacks which should be of independent interest. In particular we prove that if a Lie (resp. topological) group acts (weakly or not) on a differentiable (resp. topological) stacks, then we can construct its quotient stack which is a differentiable (resp. topological) stack with the same property as the usual quotient stack of a manifold by a Lie group. More precisely, we define the quotient stack of a (sheaf of) group acting on a stack X and show that it is a topological stack and further geometric if X is geometric. In particular, this quotient stack as well defined homotopy type and we can associate to it, its usual (co)homology theories. This allows to define equivariant G-equivariant (co)homology for stacks as the (co)homology of the quotient stack and then to study transfer maps, Gysin sequences and so on using the bivariant formalism developped in "String Topology for Stacks".
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Résumé: Dans ce papier on relie précisément la théorie homotopique des bigèbres et celle des E2-algèbres (algèbres sur l'opérade des petits disques). Pour cela nous contruisons un ?-foncteur conservatif et pleinement fidèle des dg-bigèbres (à homotopie près) pointées conilpotentes
vers les E2-algèbres augmentées. Ce foncteur est une version appropriée de la construction cobar. Ce résultat répond en partie à une question de Francis-Gaitsgory. On utilise ce résultat pour démontrer que le problème de module (formel, dérivé) des structures de bigèbres à homotopie près est équivalent à celui des E2-algèbres obtenues par cette construction "cobar". On montre alors que la structure E3 (donnée par la solution de la conjecture de Deligne supérieure) sur la cohomologie de Hochschild supérieure de cette construction cobar controle les déformations
de la bigèbre. Ceci implique l'existence de la structure E3 sur le complexe de déformations des dg-bigèbres conilpotentes, résolvant une anicenne conjecture de Gerstenhaber-Schack.
Puis, on démontre une conjecture de Kontsevich, établissant la formalité E3 du complexe de déformation de la bigèbre symétrique.
Finalement, on applique les résultats précédents pour donner une nouvelle preuve du Théorème de Quantification des bigèbres de Lie d'Etingof-Kazdhan, qui généralise ce dernier dans le cadre des dg-bigèbres et de leurs variantes à homotpie près.
Notre technique s'applique également aux quasi-bigèbres de Lie.
Par ailleurs, nous donnons des résultats d'intérêt indépendants sur la théorie des déformations des structures algébriques et sur les variantes possibles d'espaces de modules de déformations algébriques construit à aprtir d'une opérade ou d'un prop.
English detailed abstractAbstract. A first goal of this paper is to precisely relate the homotopy theories of bialgebras and E2-algebras. For this, we construct a conservative and fully faithful ?-functor from pointed conilpotent homotopy bialgebras to augmented E2-algebras which consists in an appropriate ``cobar'' construction. Then we prove that the (derived) formal moduli problem of homotopy bialgebras structures on a bialgebra is equivalent to the (derived) formal moduli problem of E2-algebra structures on this ``cobar'' construction. We show consequently that the E3-algebra structure on the higher Hochschild complex of this cobar construction, given by the solution to the higher Deligne conjecture, controls the deformation theory of this bialgebra. This implies the existence of an E3-structure on the deformation complex of a dg bialgebra, solving a long-standing conjecture of Gerstenhaber-Schack. On this basis we solve a long-standing conjecture of Kontsevich, by proving the E3-formality of the deformation complex of the symmetric bialgebra. This provides as a corollary a new proof of Etingof-Kazdhan deformation quantization of Lie bialgebras which extends to homotopy dg Lie bialgebras and also can be applied to quasi-Lie bialgebras. Our technique uses an identification (provided by a choice of formality of operads) of deformation complexes of En-algebras (for n>1) with those of Poisson algebras with a degree 1-n Lie bracket. Then we use formality result for the latter deformation complexes. Along the way, we establish new general results of independent interest about the deformation theory of algebraic structures (for instance a general property and teh relevance of the +-construction on prop), which shed a new light on various deformation complexes and cohomology theories studied in the literature. ".
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Résumé: Dans cet article nous définissons et étudions plusieurs nouvelles distances d'entrelacement prenant en compte les structures algébriques naturelles qui existent sur la cohomologie d'un espace topologique; par exemple la structure d'algèbre graduée introduite par le cup-produit ou les puissances de Steenrod. En partiuclier, nous prouvons qu'il existe une structure persistante A? associée à tout ensemble fini de données et étudions la distance associée. Nous prouvons la stabilité des ces nouvelles distances pour les complexes de Cech et de Rips par rapport à la distance de Gromov-Hausdorff. Enfin nous comparons ces distances avec les distances classiques et entre elles, donnant des exemples nous déduisons la distance entre faisceaux indécomposables. Nous donnons des exemples sur des donées finies démontrant que ces distances ne sont pas égales, mais reliées par une série d'inégalités.
English detailed abstractAbstract. We define and study several new interleaving distances for persistent cohomology which take into account the algebraic structures of the cohomology of a space, for instance the cup product or the action of the Steenrod algebra. In particular, we prove that there exists a persistent A?-structure associated to data sets and and we define the associated distance. We prove the stability of these new distances for ?ech or Vietoris Rips complexes with respect to the Gromov-Hausdor distance, and we compare these new distances with each other and the classical one, building some examples which prove that they are not equal in general and refine effectively the classical bottleneck distance. ".
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