Claude CARLET Université Paris 8, Département de mathématiques 2 rue de la liberté 93526 Saint-Denis, Cedex, France |
Member of the Department of Informatics of the university of Bergen (Selmer Center) (Norway).
Professor Emeritus of mathematics at
the University
of Paris 8, Laboratory LAGA (Univ.
of Paris 8 - Paris 13, CNRS, France).
find here
list of my publications and their abstracts, including my recent book, more than 500 page long.
Please find also the list of my talks in conferences.
I have supervised the Ph. D. theses of:
Current supervisor for the theses of Stjepan Picek (Paris 8, Stjepan has been postdoc at KU Leuven and at MIT USA, then Assistant Prof. at TU Delft and is now Associate Prof à Radboud University, Nimègue, Holland), Samuele Andreoli (Bergen, with Lilya Budaghyan) and Enrico Piccione (Bergen, with Lilya Budaghyan).
Editorial responsibilities, fellowship and membership:
Editor in Chief of the Journal Cryptography
and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and
Sequences (CCDS, Springer)
Associate editor in the Journal IEEE Transactions on Information Theory for sequences.
Associate Editor in the Journal Designs, Codes and Cryptography (DCC, Springer)
Associate Editor in the journal Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC, AIMS)
Associate Editor in the journal Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (JACO, Springer)
Associate Editor in the journal Mathematical Cryptology (hosted by the library at Florida Atlantic University; diamond open access: accepted articles are published free of charge for both authors and readers)
Associate Editor in the journal International
Journal of
Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory (IJCM-TCOM Taylor & Francis)
Member of European Science Foundation (ESF) College of Expert Reviewers and of the FWO Review College (panels 2022 – 2024).
Expert in the FWO Review College
Member of the Steering Committees of the Workshop WAIFI and of the George Boole International Prize.
From March 2002 to March 2005: Associate Editor for Coding Theory IEEE Transcations on Information Theory.
From 2001 to 2011, in charge of the Research group C2 of GDR IM
From 2005 to 2017, in charge, with F. Dibos, of the research group Mathematics for information and
image processing of the laboratory LAGA.
Participations in program committees
Participation in projects ANR, etc...