~Associate professor (USA)
~Lecturer senior (UK)

Université Paris-13, Sorbonne Paris Cité
Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et applications
(CNRS, UMR 7539)

Picture B. Rittaud            





Mathematics education, teaching and popularization of mathematics

(This page deals with research. For resources for teaching and popularization of mathematics, see this page.)

Perception of exponential growth: presentation, publications
Circular words an the construction of the field $\mathbb{Q}$: presentation, publications
Children questions on mathematics: the "Minipommes" collection: presentation, publications
AlPaGe: theoretical reflections on popularization of mathematics: presentation, publications
On a textbook for sixth grade pupils in french-speaking
Sub-Saharan Africa: presentation, publications
Intuitive operator theory for postgraduate students: presentation, publication

List of publications by subject

Perception of exponential growth (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

Circular words an the construction of the field $\mathbb{Q}$ (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

Children questions on mathematics: the "Minipommes" collection (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

AlPaGe: theoretical reflections on popularization of mathematics (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

On a textbook for sixth grade pupils in french-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

Intuitive operator theory for postgraduate students (publications)

A summary of my work on this subject will be soon available in English. In the meantime, you may read the French version.

List of publication by subjects (see here the full list of my publications)

Perception of exponential growth (presentation)

    Benoît Rittaud, "Une approche de la croissance exponentielle par l'introduction d'une virgule glissante", Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives 18 (2013), 91-113.

    Benoît Rittaud, "Les utopies exponentielles", Actes des 4${}^e$ rencontres internationales Jules Verne (2012).

    Benoît Rittaud, "Les grains sur l'échiquier : entre intuition, calcul et mystique", Short proceedings of the conference "La didactique des mathématiques : approches et enjeux. Hommage à Michèle Artigue" (2012). Read the article.

Circular words an the construction of the field $\mathbb{Q}$ (presentation)

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, "The field $\mathbb{Q}$ from the standpoint of circular words" (submitted).

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, "Different praxeologies for rational numbers in decimal system - the $0.\overline{9}$ case", Proceedings of CERME 8, Antalya (2013).

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, "Does Numerology Allow a group to have Two Identity Elements?", The American Mathematical Monthly 119 n°4 (2012), 439.

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, "Un point de rencontre entre recherche mathématique et recherche didactique", Actes des journées mathématiques de l'Institut français de l'éducation, 15 et 16 juin 2011, Lyon, 85-92.

Children questions on mathematics: the "Minipommes" collection (presentation)

    Benoît Rittaud, "Libres perspectives enfantines sur les mathématiques" (submitted).

    Benoît Rittaud, Les Merveilles du calcul, Le Pommier (2014).

    Benoît Rittaud,  Jusqu'à l'infini !, Le Pommier (2011).

    Benoît Rittaud, La Géométrie ou le monde des formes, Le Pommier (2009).

    Benoît Rittaud, Les Mystères du hasard, Le Pommier (2008).

    Benoît Rittaud, Voyage au pays des nombres, Le Pommier (2007).

AlPaGe: theoretical reflections on popularization of mathematics (presentation)

    Benoît Rittaud, "Vulgariser les zones d'ombre", Actes du colloque EMF 2012 - Genève, 2-6 février 2012. Read the article.

    Benoît Rittaud, "Ces publics à ne pas oublier", Actes du colloque international de vulgarisation scientifique, Tlemcen (Algérie) 2012 (to appear).

On a textbook for sixth grade pupils in french-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa (presentation)

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, Maths 6${}^{\mbox{e}}$, Edicef/Hachette Livre International (2009).

    Benoît Rittaud & Laurent Vivier, "La différenciation des curricula des pays de l'Afrique francophone et de l'Océan Indien : L'exemple de la République de Côte d'Ivoire", Actes du colloque de l'Espace Mathématique Francophone (Dakar, 6-10 avril 2009). Read the article.

Intuitive operator theory for postgraduate students (presentation)

    Benoît  Rittaud, "Théorie intuitive des opérateurs en Master 1", Repères-IREM n°93 (2013), 37-46.

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