Laurent Tournier

Maître de conférences en mathématiques, Université Paris 13

Laurent Tournier

Maître de conférences en mathématiques
Université Paris 13

Institut Galilée — Bureau D313

E-mail : "lastname"

Mail address :

LAGA, Institut Galilée
Université Paris 13
99 avenue J.-B. Clément
93430 Villetaneuse

Phone number : 01 49 40 40 77


I have been a maître de conférences (assistant professor) in université Paris 13 since september 2011, in the LAGA laboratory (laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications), which is part of Institut Galilée.

Before that, I have been in ENS Paris (as a student), université Lyon 1 (as a PhD student, supervised by Christophe Sabot) and in ENS Lyon (as a temporary research and teaching assistant). I was also a postdoc fellow at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.

My research deals with various models of random walks in random environment and reinforced random walks.

Summary of the website

This website mostly aims at conveying lecture notes to students or other people that may find interest in it, and providing access to my research (pre)publications. For the moment, it merely consists in the following two pages :