Université Paris 13 (France), Laboratoire d'Analyse, Géométrie et Applications
Pascal Boyer, Email:
Positions Type: 12 months Post-Doctoral position at Sorbonne Paris-Nord.
Teaching: none.
Starting date: upon mutual agreement.
Salary: 2500 Euros per month (gross salary).
The post-doc position is supported and funded by the current ANR project "COhomology of LOcally Symetric Spaces" (COLOSS).
Applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. or equivalent degree between January 2019 and the end of the academic year 2022. Successful applicant must have studied one of the aspect of Langlands correspondence (classical, p-adic, local, global, geometric, analysis). He/She is expected to work on one of these research themes with one the member of our ANR at Paris 13.
The application should contain:
(1) a Curriculum Vitae.
(2) a list of publications.
(3) a description of the past research (maximum 3 pages).
(4) a research project (maximum 3 pages).
(5) 2 letters of recommendation (to be send separately)
Applications should be sent either by email to or eventually by ordinary mail to:
Boyer Pascal,
Institut Galilée, LAGA,
99 av. Jean-Baptiste Clément 93330 Villetaneuse (France).