Refereed research papers

Bui, D. Q., Delourme, B., Halpern, L., Kwok, F. Optimized Schwarz Methods in Time for Discrete Transport Control submitted (2024)

Delourme, B., Halpern, L., Thanh, V.D. Time parallelization of a wave control problem , submitted (2024)

Delourme, B., S. Fliss, Guided modes in a hexagonal periodic graph like domain. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 22(3), 1196-1245 (2024)

Bui, D. Q., Delourme, B., Halpern, L., Kwok, F. Optimized Schwarz Method in Time for Transport Control. International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 93-100 (2022)

Delourme, B., L. Halpern. A Complex Homographic Best Approximation Problem. Application to Optimized Robin--Schwarz Algorithms , and Optimal Control Problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 59(3), 1769-1810 (2021)

Delourme, B. Lunéville, E., Marigo, J.-J., Maurel,A., Mercier, J.- F. Pham, K. A stable, unified model for resonant Faraday cages ,Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(2245) (2021)

B. Delourme, D.-P. Hewett, Electromagnetic shielding by thin periodic structures and the Faraday cage effect. (Blindage Žélec- tromagnŽétique par des structures fines et pŽériodiques. C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 358, No. 7, 777-784 (2020)

Delourme, B., Fliss, S., Joly, P., & Vasilevskaya, E. Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains. Part 2: asymptotic analysis and numerical application . Asymptotic Analysis, 119(1-2), 117-152 (2020)

B. Delourme, T. Duyckaerts, N. Lerner, On Integrals Over a Convex Set of the Wigner Distribution, J. Fourier Anal. Appl, vol. 26, no 1, p.1-40 (2020)

Semin, A., Delourme, B., & Schmidt, K.. On the homogenization of the Helmholtz problem with thin perforated walls of finite length. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 52(1), 29-67. (2018)

B. Delourme, P. Joly, E. Vasilevskaya, Existence of guided waves due to a lineic perturbation of a 3D periodic medium. Appl. Math. Lett. 69 (2017), 146-152.

B. Delourme, L. Halpern, B.T. NGUYEN, Optimized Schwarz methods for elliptic optimal control problems. In : International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 215-222.

B. Delourme, S. Fliss, P. Joly, E. Vasilevskaya, Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains. Part 1 : existence results,"> Asymptotic Analysis (2017). 2017

B.Delourme, K. Schmidt, A.Semin, On the homogenization of thin perforated walls of finite length. Asymptot. Anal. 97 (2016), no. 3-4, 211-264.

B.Delourme, High order asymptotics for the electromagnetic scattering from thin periodic layers : the 3D Maxwell case, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 38 (2015), no. 5, 811-833.

O.P. Bruno, B.Delourme, Rapidly convergent two-dimensional quasi-periodic Green function throughout the spectrum including Wood anomalies , Journal of Computational Physics, 262 (2014), 262-290.

B.Delourme, H.Haddar, P.Joly, On the well-posedness, stability and accuracy of an asymptotic model for thin periodic interfaces in electromagnetic scattering problems, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,23, 13 (2013), 2433-2464.

B.Delourme, X.Claeys, High order asymptotics for wave propagation across thin periodic interfaces , Asymptotic Analysis,83 (2013), 35-82.

B.Delourme, H.Haddar, P.Joly, Approximate models for wave propagation across thin periodic interfaces, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,98, 1 (2012), 28-71.

PhD thesis and HDR report

B.Delourme, Mémoire HDR: Quelques contributions à l'étude théorique et numérique des phénomènes de propagation des ondes dans des milieux périodiques, 2023.

B.Delourme, Modèles et asymptotiques des interfaces fines et périodiques en électromagnétisme, 2011.

Conferences and workshops

WAVES 2024, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2024

Program participant: Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering, Cambridge, UK, Apr.-May 2O23

Workshop on computational methods for multiple scattering, Cambridge, UK (invited) Apr. 2O23

Workshop on Canonical scattering problems, Cambridge, UK (invited), Feb. 2O23

WAVES 2022, Palaiseau, France, July 2022

Conference in honour of Simon Chandler-Wilde's 60th Birthday, Reading, Royaume-Uni, Jun. 2022 (invited).

Conference on wave propagation, Karlsruhe, Allemagne, Dev. 2022

Séminaire LJLL-INRIA Paris, May. 2021

Domain Decomposition Conference, DD26, Dec. 2020

WAVES 2019, Vienne, Autriche.Aout 2019

Summer School Wave propagation in complex and microstructured media, Cargèse, France (cours sur l'homogénisation) Aout 2019

Workshop du GDR Mecawave, Frejus, France. Nov. 2018

AIM workshop on Steklov eigenproblems, San Jose, USA (invitée), Mai 2018

Domain Decomposition 24, Longyearbyen, NorvŽège, Fev. 2018}

Aramis Workshop,Analysis of Robust Asymptotic Methods In numerical Simulation in mechanicss, 12-14 June 2017, Pau, France.

DD 24 conference, 7-10 Feb.2017, Svalbard, Norway.

Methamath Worshop: waves in periodic media and metamaterials, Nov. 23-25 2016, Cargèse, France.

Colloque sur l'homogénisation et les milieux continus généralisés en régime dynamique, Oct. 6-7 2016, Marseille, France.

WAVES 2015, July 20-24 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany

WAVES 2013, June 3-7 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia

Conference in honor of Michael Vogelius 60th birthday, Applied analysis for the material sciences, May 27-31 2013, CIRM, Marseille, France

WAVES 2011, July 25-29 2011, Vancouver, Canada

CANUM 2010, May 31-June 4 2010, Carcans-Maubuisson, France (poster)

Singular days on Asymptotic Methods for PDEs, April 29-May 1, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster)

WONAPDE 2010, January 11-15 2010, Mini-symposium computational electromagnetism

WAVES 2009, June 15-19 2009, Pau, France

POLARITONS 2009, May 4-7 2009, Aussois, France (poster)

Other communications

Séminaire problèmes spectraux en physique mathématiques,IHP, Paris, France, Mars 2024

Wave Chaos Seminar, Birmingham (en ligne), UK, Oct. 2022

Séminaire analyse appliquée,Metz, France, Oct. 2022

Séminaire en ligne 'Wavinars', Jun. 2022

Séminaire INRIA-LJLL, Paris, France. Mai 2021

Séminaire d'analyse appliquées, Amiens, France. Mars 2020

Séminaire MIP, Toulouse, November 2014

Journée du LAGA, Villetaneuse, March 2013

Séminaire d'Analyse Appliquée du LAGA, Villetaneuse, October 2012

Séminaire modèles et algorithmes déterministes EDP-MOISE du Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, April 2012

Séminaire du groupe de travail homogénéisation (HMS), UPMC, Paris, April 2012

Séminaires et Groupe de travail de Modélisation Mathématique, Mécanique et Numérique, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme, Université de Caen, February 2012

Séminaire de mathématiques appliquées, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, December 2010

Groupe de travail applications des mathématiques, ENS Cachan-Bretagne, November 2010

Séminaire de métrologie et instrumentation du laboratoire central des ponts et Chaussées, Paris, July 2010

Séminaire du projet DeFI, INRIA-Saclay, Paris, March 2010