Slides (Plenary Talks)
- Iain Smears
Time-parallel iterative
solvers for parabolic evolution equations: an inf-sup theoretic
approach. PDF
Slides (Contributed Talks)
- Katia Aït Ameur
Parareal algorithm for two phase flows simulation. PDF
- Sarah Ali Hassan
A posteriori stopping
criteria for space-time domain decomposition for porous media
flow. PDF
- Asad Anees
Time Domain Finite Element Methods for Maxwell’s
Equations. PDF
- Martin J. Gander
Why it is difficult to
solve hyperbolic problems with parareal type algorithms. PDF
- Mikio Iizuka
Investigation of Convergence of Parareal Method
forAdvection Equation using Accurate Phase Calculation Method.
- Iryna Kulchytska
A New Parareal Algorithm for Problems with Discontinuous
Sources. PDF
- Thibaut Lunet
Stable time-parallel integration of advection dominated
problems using Parareal with space coarsening. PDF
- Olga Mula
A scalable adaptive parareal algorithm with online
stopping criterion. PDF
- Julien Salomon
Time parallelisation for optimal control and data
assimilation. PDF
- Jacob B. Schroder
Parallel-in-Time Optimization with the General-Purpose
XBraid Package. PDF