Winter semester 2020/2021
Past Lectures
- Homology Theory,
Cours de Master 2, WS 2018/19 and 2019/20, Paris 13.
- An introduction to algebraic K-theory,
Lecture course, Master 2, WS 2016/17, Paris13.
- Espaces Euclidiens,
Lecture course, Paris13.
- Théorie des représentations,
Lecture course, Paris13.
- Introduction to homotopy theory,
Lecture course, Master 2, WS 2015/16, Paris13.
- Algèbre linéaire 2,
Lecture course, Paris13.
Classes caractéristiques,
Lecture course, Master 2, SS 2015, Paris13.
K-Théorie topologique et applications (with G.
Masterclass, SS2015, Strasbourg.
- Espaces euclidiens,
Lecture course (L2), SS2015, Paris13.
Introduction à l'homotopie stable,
Lecture course, SS2014, Paris 13.
- Analyse et
algèbre 2,
Lecture course, WS2013/14, Paris13.
et algèbre linéaire 2,
Lecture course, WS2013/14, Paris13.
- Algèbre MACS1/L3,
Lecture course, SS2013, Paris13.
- Analyse et algèbre 2,
Lecture course, WS2012/2013, Paris13.
- Géométrie
et algèbre linéaire 2,
Lecture course, WS2012/2013, Paris13.
Die Steenrod-Algebra und Anwendungen,
Lecture course, SS2012, Münster.
- Elementare
Seminar, SS2012, Münster.
Algebraische Topologie 2
Lecture course, WS2011-2012, Münster.
Seminar (with Michael
Joachim), WS2011-2012, Münster.
Algebraische Topologie
Lecture course, SS2011, Münster.
in die Differentialtopologie
Seminar (with U. Pennig), SS2011, Münster.
Lecture course, WS2010-2011, Münster.
Die Theorie der Faserbündel
Seminar (with Michael
Joachim), WS2010-11, Münster.
Differentialformen und
Lecture course, SS2010, Münster.
Algorithmische Topologie
Seminar (with Michael Joachim and Clara
Löh), SS2010, Münster.
- Seminar for Topology 2
Seminar S2D2 on the h-Cobordism Theorem (with
Gaudens), SS2009, Bonn.
- Topologie 1
Lecture course V2D2, WS-2008/09, Bonn
- Linear Algebra 2 (Prof. Schwede)
Tutorials V1G4, SS-2008, Bonn.
- Linear Algebra 1 (Prof. Schwede)
Tutorials V1G3, WS-2007/08, Bonn.
- Cohomology of
Lecture course 6551/6552, SS-2007, Bonn.
- Seminar for Topology 3
Seminar 6584 on Whitehead torsion, WS-2006/07, Bonn.
- Topology 3
Lecture course 6541/6634 , WS-2005/06, Bonn.
- Algebraic K-Theory
Lecture course 6549/6550, SS-2005, Bonn.
- Analysis 1 (Prof. Franke)
Tutorials 6506, WS-2004/05, Bonn.
- Topology 3 (Prof. Schwede)
Tutorials 6572, WS-2004/05, Bonn.
- Topology 2 (Prof. Schwede)
Seminar 6596, SS-2004, Bonn.